Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By purchasing items from Salted Family you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

Written Content

I, the purchaser, understand that the content and material including bible scripture references and teaching interpretations are based on the Salted Family Statement of Faith and that as the parental guardian/leader of my home, I am ultimately responsible for discerning what I believe and teach my children. If any material included in Salted Family products differ from my personal beliefs, I am free to adapt them appropriately for my family. 


I, the purchaser, understand that products purchased from Salted Family may include small items, craft supplies, and other materials for children to use and that adult supervision is required to avoid any misuse of items and to avoid any choking hazards. I agree that it is also my responsibility to review/examine any edible item ingredients and must decide based on my family’s dietary restrictions and allergies, whether or not it is safe to ingest such items or discard them without opening.


I, the purchaser, understand that products purchased from Salted Family are copyright of Salted Family and may not be copied or reproduced in any manner.
*If you are interested in materials for groups or churches please email us and we'd be happy to speak to you!